Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Dreaded Sweater-itis

I've finally caught it. There's been something catchy going around between my knit wit friends and it got me. I have caught various knitting-related diseases from them over the years. Sock-tococcus, Mitten Mange, Scarf Barf, Fringe Fever, and, get the point. But there are very few as deadly to your time and stash as Sweater-itis. Except for Blanket Pox.

Now, I know that I have the Christmas Sweater to work on and I'm still searching for Fisherman's Wool for the messenger bag but I've come down with Sweater-itis in the worst way - I'm looking through Starmore books.  STARMORE! Plus I just found this gem on the Ravelry site and am currently trying to remember where all of my zippers are.

I fear that I may not feel better until I have 28 sweaters in various stages of undoneness laying about the place and not enough coffee in the world to help me finish them. It is a vicious illness, I tell you.

On a different note, I am awaiting the news of a new position I had an interview about earlier. It wouldn't be life-altering or anything but sometimes, even when it really doesn't matter that much whether it happens or not, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers were right. The Waiting really is the hardest part.

Countdown to Deadline: 52 Yuletide days and nights
Remaining sweater work: LESS THAN YESTERDAY!
Terror Alert Level: Jungle Green
Series to Knit by: Still Leverage but watching Harry Potter with the Wee One 

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