Friday, November 15, 2013

Start At The Beginning And When You Come To The End, Stop.

Oh, Kittens. It's been a while since we shared a moment or two of blissful stranger closeness. (That's a thing, right?) Forgive me for not keeping you in the forefront of my mind but all that really resides there are song lyrics and movies I watched in the 1980's. Why doesn't Netflix have Just One Of The Guys?!?!?!

So what has been happening in your worlds? I'm hungry for chips so I have that going on. Also, I'm almost out of pickles so if anyone can make that unhappen I'd be super grateful. Plus, my kool-aid tastes funky soooo...yeah (orange is the best, bitties).

My knitting has taken the back burner to the past week's events and I am FEELING it. There is something therapeutic about pointy sticks and soft yarn that makes the doldrums go away. Can one who is land-locked have those? It does nothing to help a stuffy nose though and I am draining the worlds Kleenex stores by the forest-ful.

Hey! I got a new job and then didn't get a new job. Turns out not drinking coffee drinks (lattes, mochas, cappa-frappa-cuppaccinos) really adversely affects one's ability to make and serve them. I was rubbish at it. Lines of people don't bother me. They're the ones waiting, I'm working. Pressure doesn't bother me. Pressure is something people use as an excuse to say doing X, Y, or Z is too hard. Learning new things doesn't bother me - in fact, I love learning. It keeps things interesting. But, after 3.5 to 4 days, I knew it was time to tilt my king. As I've been known to say: I've lived with myself for a long time and I know better. So ends my glorious time in food service. Que sera sera and long live whoever takes my spot in the kingdom of coffee. I'll stick to drinking it. Black, no sweetener.

My series to knit by has had to change. After much hemming and hawing, I picked Leverage. I like it but I also am in love with Timothy Hutton (insert Playing God here) and I need to WATCH it so naturally, I have made the switch to The X Files. I always lose my way or lose interest around season 4 and I have to start all over when I decide to rewatch it. Kinda like Lost. Love it. Can't remember anything about it. Begin again, my friend, begin again.

Countdown to Deadline: 41 Yuletide days and nights
Remaining sweater work: THE SAME AS A WEEK AGO!
Terror Alert Level: Baby Blue
Series to Knit by: The X Files

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