Thursday, May 28, 2015

Please Be That Guy

Good morning, kittens! How goes the day? It's overcast and rainy (again) in sunny Fargo. I have come to the conclusion that I reside in the wrong area of the Great States of 50.

Though North Dakota is wonderful in many ways, it lacks what I love most. Water. There isn't much free-flowing around these parts that isn't brown or man-made. Don't worry about me though, I make do with 900 baths a day. Or zero if I have the day off. Closer to zero on most days.

And I'm oh kay with that. I don't mind my own funk. It's a heady aroma of awesome, wonderfulness, and pretzel. It's the pretzel that brings all the boys to the yard, yo. And they're starting to kill the grass beneath my balcony.

I'm getting married (again) soon and I have been thinking of old lovers. And old friends who wanted to be lovers. And old friends who never wanted to be lovers. I miss those the most. Especially the old friends/never lovers who were of the male persuasion. They do exist and I want mine back.

Of course men and women can be friends with absolutely no benefits. And it's fucking awesome. Dudes you can hang out with with no pretense of anything beyond the wings you're eating? Them telling you about the sauce all over your face with no hope of licking it off? Someone who isn't embarrassed that your shoes don't match your belt and your clutch? Or that you're not even wearing shoes? A guy who wants to hang out with you and not show you off as a trophy he has pillaged and plundered for? Yesyesyes. YES.

Steps for cultivating friendship - any friendship:

1) Learn to treat people with respect
2) Learn to look past differences
3) Be kind and civil
4) See beyond skin color, background, socio-economic status, and sex

And the most important friendship rule: look at people and see them for the person they are and not for what you can get out of them.

If you follow these rules you too can have friends. Even friends who have different junk than you do.

I will make you a promise. If we ever meet and become friends I won't put you in the boyfriend zone if you won't put me in the girlfriend zone.

Not everyone you meet has to fit into a box you have pre-packaged for them. If you can't be friends without longing for some sweet meat then say so and move on.

Question - how many of your exes would you be friends with if you hadn't shared a plate of bangers and mash? Me? 99% of them. And I miss them all for one reason or another and none of that missing has anything to do with their hang lows.

Stay shiny, kittens.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The T.O.V.A. Sweater

(Better Known as The Armagh by Alice Starmore)

It's a gorgeous spring day here is partly sunny/always windy Fargo. Hello kittens.

There are certain projects I try to work on in only certain places. My church knitting is gift knitting or knitting I plan to give to others. I like to pray over the piece, letting each stitch absorb as much goodness and love as it can. At least that's what I tell myself.

My Wednesday mornings are spent at a small psychological services office administering testing for a child psychologist. Most of the tests are done solely by the patient with little interaction from me. "Do this and this and this and this. Let me know when you're done." This leaves me with a considerable amount of downtime. So I, you know, knit.

I have been working on the T.O.V.A. sweater primarily during these times of utter boredom. Uhhhh...

Moonwalk with me, kittens.

The T.O.V.A. is a test that is comprised of two beeps. That's it. A high toned beep and a low one. Two beeps, one every two seconds in a completely random order, for approximately 22 minutes. Someone who is taking this test has to pay attention to the beeps and react accordingly per my instructions. I used to sit patiently and watch them and make sure they were staying on task but, as so many who take the test learn, I found my mind wandering. So I started knitting during this time. I can focus on something - which keeps my brain from going on walkabout - and pay attention to keeping their mind from taking a good short nap. It's a win-win-win. And then some as I also work at a hospital (I miss Microsoft) and they don't allow knitting there. It's sad, I know. My cries of "But I'm just sitting here anyway and my hands aren't doing anything" fall on never-been-knitted-for ears.

Where was I?

Yes, knitting at work. I try and keep up stitch for beep. Unfortunately, the pattern is stranded so swapping out yarns doesn't always allow for this goal. If only I were a picker and not a thrower. In another life, brother.

How is my T.O.V.A. sweater coming along? Beepingly.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Begin Again. Again.

And now my creative juices are starting to flow again. Again. And I have all these past writings that I want to get on here. Except I...misplaced them. But OH! when I find them again. Then I will have them. Again.

Love you kittens!